Let’s talk about pods
A new solution space for apps emerges if we adopt a different model for thinking about Solid.
Who decides what your Solid pod looks like? For a long time, the answer has been the first one who writes, decides
. That is, the first app to sculpt documents and containers in your pod determines where other apps need to look for data. Unfortunately, this creates an undesired dependency between apps, which now have to agree amongst each other on how to store things. Yet Solid promises apps that will seamlessly and independently reuse data in order to provide us with better and safer experiences. At the heart of this contradiction is that the mental model we’re using for Solid pods no longer works. This model restricts our solution space and is a main reason why apps struggle to reuse each other’s data. In this blog post, I argue why we should stop thinking of a pod as a set of documents, and start treating it as the hybrid graph it actually is. By adjusting our perspective, Solid apps can become more independent of variations in data—
For several centuries, it appeared self-evident to many that the sun and planets revolved around the earth. Supported by our intuitive notions of sunrise and sunset, basic mathematical theories for this geocentric model could adequately explain and predict planetary movements. But over time, we started observing strange movements that the model couldn’t readily explain: in an apparent retrograde motion, Mars was sometimes seen flying backwards before returning to a more sensible forward path.
When observations contradict your model, there are essentially two things you can do. Either you make the model more complex to account for those observations, or you switch to a new model that can fit them in. Hence, a first group of people attempted to explain Mars’ unusual orbit by adding epicycles to the geocentric model, letting celestial bodies wriggle around in additional circles. A second group abandoned geocentrism altogether, with proponents such as Copernicus and Galilei supporting a heliocentric model that explained the same motions better with far less trickery—
A new model does not magically make problems disappear, as many questions about the universe remain unanswered today. But the right model gives us the correct frame of reference to reason about our universe, and to devise new solutions for existing and new problems. Further corrections to the heliocentric model were indeed needed: planets follow an ellipse rather than a circle, and the moon doesn’t orbit the earth but they both orbit a common barycenter. Yet the framework within which those solutions were discovered was essential to their discovery.
![[photograph of a scientist looking at an apple]](/images/blog/newton.jpg)
In this blog post, I want to challenge the prevalent model we’ve used so far to think about Solid pods. My research team demonstrated that some very common cases cannot be addressed by the current document-centric model. Even worse, we found that—no matter how creative or sophisticated your solution—holding on to the single document hierarchy means that any Solid app you develop will always be bound by certain key limitations. I will explain what those limitations are and how we can more easily solve data challenges within Solid by adopting a different model.
Keeping data and apps separated
Here’s the most common question I get asked by people who build Solid use cases:
Where in a pod should I store [this particular piece of] data?
This question might seem peculiar, since they know their use case best, so why are they asking me how to store their data? To find a satisfying answer, we must understand the deeper question that implicitly underlies this particular problem.
The technological promise of Solid is the separation of data from apps. We want to reuse data in any app where it makes sense, regardless of which app first captured that data. This independence unlocks the unprecedented creativity and innovation that Solid is all about: apps don’t need to collect your data (again) before they can make your data work for you. And the way to make our data work, is to make it seamlessly interoperable with different apps.
Therefore, the question of where to store data is not about making one app work—
How does the way we write data impact others’ ability to reuse that data?
And that, of course, is a much more complex matter, because we can’t predict how other apps in the future might want to reuse the data we write today.
![[photograph of a scientist looking at an apple]](/images/blog/pigeons.jpg)
The fact that one app’s decision on how to store data potentially affects all other apps, is a tell-tale sign that data and apps are not really separated yet in today’s Solid landscape. Because apparently, there is some meaning, some kind of semantics in the location an app chooses to write our data, and that understanding is not shared between different apps. This seriously hinders interoperability and serendipitous reuse, which I consider absolutely vital to a thriving personal data ecosystem.
As we’ll discuss next, one approach aims to address issues within the current pod model by making those semantics explicit in a contract. However, we’ll argue that, no matter what we try, this model will always break because it insufficiently reflects reality. That’s why we’ll discuss a new model, which is better equipped to tackle app interoperability.
A pod as a single document hierarchy
The desirable simplicity of documents
Our mental model for a Solid pod today is a single hierarchical collection of documents. That makes sense, because documents are a common abstraction for human–computer interaction: our own computers offer document-based filesystems, and so do familiar platforms such as Dropbox and Google Drive. And of course, the Web itself started off as a document system on the Internet.
It therefore comes as no surprise that the smallest unit of organization in current Solid pods is a document. These are organized recursively in containers, which can contain documents or other containers. Many documents are RDF documents consisting of Linked Data, such that they can point to other documents inside this pod or other pods.
Importantly, each pod has exactly one document organization; it’s the main and only entry point to a pod. The entire pod is thus its document organization and the content of those documents.
For example, Helen’s pod might be a collection of documents that could look like this:
And Jennifer’s pod might be another collection of documents:
Note how Helen and Jennifer both have a Solid pod consisting of containers, RDF documents with Linked Data, and non-RDF documents—organized in their own ways.
The power of Solid is that these different collections of documents are exposed in a standardized way through the Solid Protocol. Therefore, a client uses the exact same steps to retrieve a document from Helen’s or Jennifer’s pod—
The differences between how Helen and Jennifer organize documents in their own pods, highlight that not everything is standardized. Each Solid app has many degrees of freedom for writing data to pods, as the Solid specifications do not stipulate:
- How is data modeled inside of a document?
- How is data distributed across documents?
- How are documents structured across containers (and pods)?
Not coincidentally, these aspects are exactly what developers address when they define a Web API for their app, as servers and clients must agree on where and how things are stored. Consequently, the Solid Protocol is not a Web API! Rather, it allows and requires each individual app to decide where and how they store Linked Data. And the burden of this requirement is that this decision impacts every potential consumer of that data. And while non-Solid apps consider their Web API a most important and visible contract, Solid apps tend to not document their Web API at all.
Extending interoperability to the data level
This is a core challenge that any model for a pod should address: the authentication and authorization interoperability provided by the protocol must extend to the crucial data level on which Solid wants to achieve independence from apps. Neither the Solid Protocol nor the use of Linked Data are sufficient to achieve this required data-level interoperability. This is why Solid apps aren’t great yet at reusing others’ data, and hence why they can’t fulfill the Solid promise of data and app independence.
Basically, each Solid app is designing its own Web API by creating documents and containers in a way that suits this application. In doing so, the app implicitly puts meaning in the document organization that is not captured anywhere else. This forces Solid apps to resort to classical API integration rather than data integration.
Of course, the simplicity of the document-centric pod is hard to resist. Therefore, several community proposals aim to make the unwritten contracts explicit by documenting a pod’s Web API and its underlying semantics within dedicated documents in each pod. Core ideas include shapes to characterize data inside of documents, and descriptions of how to distribute data across documents.
Current proposals such as Type Indexes help clients find their way by linking to pod items, and the current Solid Application Interoperability draft points to the Shape Trees specification to describe, validate, and enforce the specific Web API exposed by a pod. The aim of these proposals is allowing apps to share their data organization with each other while staying within the realm of documents, at the cost of increasingly complex structural descriptions that clients need to maintain faithfully. But even if we could trust all clients with all this bookkeeping—
One API can’t rule them all
The contacts conundrum
No matter how clever or complex interoperability proposals become, we found that document-centric techniques will never be able to address several key scenarios. Current and future proposals share the limitation that the single document-centric API is an insufficient model to represent the complexity of many real-world use cases. Solutions within this model will always be bound by its flaws, and they will encounter problems they can’t solve because their solution space is restricted to that same model.
I’ll demonstrate the issue with a very simple example that the document-centric model can’t account for. The idea is that, if even this toy example manages to break the model, then more complex use cases will definitely break it.
Let’s assume Helen wants to store contacts in her pod: her family, friends, co-workers, staff members, … . There are dozens of ways of organizing these contacts across multiple documents in a pod. Fortunately, she doesn’t need to directly edit those documents, because she chooses Solid apps that do this for her:
- She uses an address book app to browse her contacts one by one, to edit people’s details, and to add new contacts.
- Thanks to the birthday app, she gets a timely reminder when significant events are coming up.
For example, the address book app might store Helen’s contacts like this:
But the birthday app might store Helen’s contacts like this:
Now of course, if those two apps organize things differently, how will they reuse each other’s data? The core idea of Solid is that data and apps are independent, thus that data should flow freely between apps. And neither structure is necessarily more appropriate or obvious than the other: structuring contacts in documents makes as much sense as structuring events in documents. Each view of the world makes perfect sense; they’re just different reflections of the same reality.
Can we tell those apps which structure was chosen for a given pod, by making the pod’s Web API structure explicit? We could create agreements for certain topical domains. Or we could set up Type Indexes to point apps to the contacts, or Shape Trees to describe which of both organizations (or perhaps yet another) Helen has chosen. Unfortunately, that won’t help either app, as their expectations differ too much.
Any solution within the document-centric pod model cannot organize data at a more granular level than documents, because documents are the smallest organizational unit. And even with our trivial contacts example, our two apps have conflicting requirements:
- If we choose the address book API that creates one document per contact:
- The birthday app can access data it’s not supposed to (address, phone number, …).
- Helen cannot share her birthday list within her friend group, because she’d be sharing everyone’s full details.
- If we choose the birthday API that stores multiple birthdays in one document:
- The contacts app would have to mix the details of different contacts in one single document, which would get messy.
- Helen would not be able to share individual contact details with her colleagues.
We can imagine workarounds, but none could fully achieve what we want. Copying data means that apps are not really reusing so they will get out of sync. And setting up synchronization processes leads to all kinds of corner cases. For instance, we could create a virtual document on top of the address book API that aggregates birthdays from across documents. But that creates a problem when Helen wants to add new contacts via the birthday app, because it cannot just write into the aggregated document view. And things get progressively worse when Helen also wants to store birthdays of people’s partners and children, because where would they be stored?
And recall that contacts were supposed to be the easy example! What if we want to store highly sensitive data, such as medical or financial records? Clearly, you should be able to track your heart rate with an app without it having access to your glucose or hormone levels. Why can’t the current pod model allow for this?
The perfect document box doesn’t exist
These and other problems inevitably occur because the single document organization is flawed in at least two major ways:
There’s more than one meaningful way to map reality to a hierarchy.
Since the current pod model only offers a single hierarchy of documents, we’ll have to make arbitrary choices that sooner or later might make life more difficult. -
The single hierarchical organization tries to capture multiple structures.
Often, these structures have conflicting requirements that prevent them from being combined in the same document hierarchy.
As a result, the term “document” has become heavily overloaded within Solid, because the boundaries of a document capture more aspects than just the data within. So let’s unpack the document box that apps draw around data when defining their Web API:
The document-based grouping of data implicitly assumes that all data in this group shares the same history (how it was created) and destiny (how it’s intended to be used):
- The provenance indicates how the data was obtained.
- The trust describes for which purposes the data can be relied upon.
- The context is a logical grouping for the data items.
- The permissions detail who can read and write the data.
- The performance is an expectation that the data will often be used together.
The document box inseparably couples these different aspects, which explains why the model so easily breaks down. Whenever there is a mismatch between the actual boxes of aspects, we can’t model the data within the single hierarchy. So if two pieces of data logically belong together (same context), but they were created by multiple people (different provenance), the assumption of the single document box fails.
For example, a single hierarchy can never deliver Helen’s contact management because the permissions boxes conflict between different apps:
- The address book app can see all details per individual contact.
- The birthday app can see one specific detail for many contacts.
This is an inherent limitation of the current model. So no matter where and how we draw the document boxes, one app is always going to conflict with the other. Hence, no singular document-based organization can address the needs of these apps, and similarly not those of similar or more complex cases.
Still, we might feel tempted to try different document organizations. What if we create separate documents for each person, one holding their birthdate and the second holding everything else? But then we’d have a conflict with yet another app, which only needs to see people’s email addresses but not their phone numbers. So we’d shrink the document boxes to smaller and smaller sizes until each one contains a single RDF triple. In other words, as long as pods only have one way to put things in boxes, conflicting requirements will lead to tiny boxes that are unmanageable and inefficient.
No single view can be enough
The core issue with the current pod model is not the documents themselves, but rather that each pod needs to have one base hierarchy of documents. While document-based systems have proven their usefulness; they represent only one view of what is actually a multi-dimensional reality. That’s fine when the data is quite rigid and you only need to support specific cases. Yet Solid has the ambition to tackle use cases spanning many different domains, whose needs are much less predictable.
We’ve seen that aspects such as context and permission can differ so widely between apps, that they need to access the world through different sets of documents. In other words, different Solid apps need different Web APIs to read and write their data. Therefore, any pod model must be able to incorporate such multiple views.
This notion of multiple APIs per pod in itself is not new. I wrote about it in my first blog post about Solid, and last year I discussed that decentralized clients need to be prepared to interact with multiple Web APIs. The idea to offer a SPARQL endpoint per pod dates back to the early days of Solid, and I built a prototype providing authenticated access to pod data through the more lightweight Triple Pattern Fragments (TPF) API. More recently, Quad Pattern Fragments (QPF) were added as a secondary pod API to the Enterprise Solid Server for reasons of discovery and performance.
In the context of the document-centric model, these discovery and performance needs can be explained again as mismatched document boxes:
The requirement of discovery indicates that apps are indeed oblivious of the hidden semantics in the pod’s document structure. Rather than relying on client-managed description mechanisms (such as Type Indexes or Shape Trees) to find documents, apps can access data through the QPF API to bypass the context boundaries formed by documents. For example, a new app might not know in which container a pod’s Web API stores contacts.
The performance concerns indicate that the underlying distribution of data across documents might match the access patterns of one app, but not those of others. For example, instead of reading through dozens of contact documents to extract people’s birthdays, the birthday app could more swiftly retrieve the same selection through the QPF interface that partitions the data differently.
But doesn’t the creation of a QPF API show that we can derive arbitrarily structured Web APIs from a document-centric pod? Not quite—
Because the QPF and other APIs are derived from this one “true” hierarchy, they still inherit the mismatch of the document boxes in other aspects. The graph component of each quad in the QPF API specifically points to the assumed main document it was derived from. The entire QPF API thereby unavoidably inherits any context, provenance, and trust mismatches. Crucially, the permissions aspect breaks—and thus so do the address book and birthday apps—
These externally observable problems indeed confirm that an underlying pod model with a single document hierarchy was implicitly assumed during the design of those implementations. And the resulting issues are so deeply rooted within this model, that they cannot adequately be resolved within its limited solution space.
A pod as a hybrid graph
A graph as the underlying conceptual model
Having established that real-world use cases require multiple views to enable data-level interoperability, we need to find an appropriate mental model for a pod that makes generating such views easy. Based on the findings above, we identify the following key characteristics for such a model:
- The smallest unit of organization is an elementary piece of data.
- A piece of data can either be an individual RDF statement, or a blob that is considered indivisible (such as a JPEG image or a PDF).
- Each piece of data can have metadata associated with it.
Instead of being a single document hierarchy, our new model considers a pod a hybrid, contextualized knowledge graph. The term “knowledge graph” reflects that the pod is a collection of Linked Data. With “hybrid”, we indicate that both RDF triples and blobs are first-class citizens. (We nonchalantly refer to JPEG, PDF, and the likes using the word “blob” because, as discussed above, Solid overloads the term “document”.) Finally, “contextualized” indicates that each piece of data can have extra pieces of metadata associated with it, capturing aspects such as permissions, provenance, trust, etc.
We’re thus conceptually treating the pod as a knowledge graph, which serves as the source of truth when generating views:
Other than with the document-centric model, no single hierarchy is assumed or necessary, so no view is more special than any other. This is because the graph associates each piece of data with the metadata required to construct the views: all semantics are expressed within the data.
And there will be plenty of views, since we eliminate the need to compromise on one view as the lowest common denominator. So make no mistake: document-centric interfaces are here to stay. In particular, expect pods to offer at least a couple of Solid Protocol-based Web APIs. If anything, there will be more document interfaces instead of less. What changes is the role document-centric interfaces play: they are views of an underlying, richer, graph-centric model. Use cases can choose the particular views on the pod’s data that reflect their context and constraints.
Implementing graph-centric pods and views
Most pod implementations today internally use a document-based backend. We might wonder how the graph-centric model can be realized technologically. Basically, we need two things:
- We need a way to store a hybrid, contextualized knowledge graph.
- We need a way to describe and generate views.
As far as storage is concerned, bear in mind that the notion of a graph-centric pod is in the first place conceptual. So it does not mean that an actual graph database is strictly needed for a pod, or that graph-centric systems could not be built on top of plain RDF documents. What we are saying is that each pod will have to behave as if it has a graph at its core—and it just so happens that graph databases are especially good at supporting such a model. But by all means, implementations are hidden behind the Solid Protocol, so the internal backend can be anything.
When considering off-the-shelf RDF triplestores or quadstores, however, note that the hybrid and contextualized parts are an inseparable part of the model that needs to be provided. Pod implementers will likely need to create this additional functionality, since blobs and context are typically not first-class citizens. Blob storage might necessitate a dedicated backend; to keep track of context, RDF-star might be a promising candidate.
At first, view generation might work similarly to how it happens today: by manually assigning each RDF triple to a document. The difference in a contextualized knowledge graph is that each triple can be assigned to multiple documents and thus multiple APIs. For example, the statement
<#Helen> schema:birthDate "1984-04-03"^^xsd:date.
could be part of documents in two different Web APIs:
and thus be available to both the address book app and the birthday app.
Soon, we will want more flexible mechanisms that can automatically route RDF triples to documents within a Web API. We’ll need to create a view definition language and a view processor to instantiate the views. Whereas there are many ways to define views, they will always define some kind of mapping from URL space to the graph. For example, they might take patterns such as
which are then associated with parameterized queries that read and write the right data for documents corresponding to each URL. And these queries can rely not just on the data, but also the associated metadata to make selections.
View definitions might be published and shared so different apps can reuse them, like they can with data vocabularies and shapes today; views could be organized in browsable repositories. Plus, we don’t have to restrict views to classical documents, since QPF and other APIs can equally be derived from the graph. The important part is that we derive APIs from the data and metadata (as opposed to from other APIs).
A pod by any other name
Transitioning to the graph model
The nature of reality doesn’t change—only our understanding of it evolves. Whatever our method of analysis, the planets and stars will keep on moving the way they do. So we cannot model away our challenges, but we can try to find a framework that lets us address them more easily. The additional calculations required by the geocentric model ultimately became so complex, that society could no longer ignore the elegance of the (perhaps less intuitive) heliocentric model.
Similarly, I believe that the perceived simplicity of the document-centric pod is slowly turning into a complex set of descriptions. It’s not the documents themselves that are the culprit, but rather the single-API illusion that has proven unmaintainable. It simply cannot support the use cases we need it to. So back to our main question:
Where in a pod should I store my app’s data, such that other apps can reuse it?
The answer is that, in the graph-centric pod model, it doesn’t really matter. Given that different apps can have different Web APIs as views on the same underlying graph, the write decisions of one app do not affect those of others. Each app gets a virtualized environment with the appropriate permission boxes, such that they can predictably interact with data. In principle, it’s not even an issue if apps hard-code against a view, since it is virtual and server-generated anyway. Views should thus also eliminate the need for more complex index-based solutions that require client-side bookkeeping.
By now, some of you might be worried: did we get it wrong? After all, the current Solid Protocol describes a document-based interface. Is this now obsolete and should we start standardizing other APIs? Actually, the graph-centric model is 100% compatible with the Solid Protocol. The situation is similar to how HTTP was originally designed to remotely serve files from disk, but the protocol design was so universal that people could use technologies like PHP and ASP.Net behind the scenes to serve dynamically generated documents with the exact same technology. PHP and ASP.Net didn’t need to change HTTP or HTML; they just gave a different interpretation to how the existing protocol was used. Analogously, we’re interpreting the Solid Protocol as one view to a pod rather than it being the pod—
However, in my opinion, some things we did get wrong. For example, several default pod templates will create public
and private
folders in the root in a further conflation of document boxes, specifically context and permissions. Some solutions like Type Indexes continue this conflation. And many apps make assumptions about pod structure that can never generalize to the entire ecosystem—
The way forward
If we are right, the graph-centric model for a pod will have profound implications upon existing client and server software. Specifically, server implementations tied to document-oriented backends will have a difficult time transitioning into a graph model. On the other hand, developing client-side applications should become easier as the impact of their decisions becomes more localized because of virtualized views.
The concept of graph-centric pods is a starting point leading to fundamental questions about decentralized client–server interactions. If pods are graphs, do we still want the symmetry of resource-oriented read/
Speaking of experiences, every Solid app so far has assumed that the underlying pod is a document hierarchy. This is directly reflected in most current UIs, which are either file browsers like macOS Finder, or more specialized versions thereof for a specific use case. But user interfaces for pods can become vastly different if pods are seen as graphs instead of document hierarchies. This means that users could have different windows into their pods; and perhaps they’ll need such windows to adequately express permissions in a way that document-centric UI does not account for. Clearly, these points are just the beginning of possible discussions on this topic.
Everything starts with adopting the appropriate conceptual model to think about pods. We’ve seen why the single document hierarchy is already causing breakage in real-world use cases today. Understanding the pod as a graph is key to realizing Solid’s promised independence of data and apps; holding on to the current model’s limited solution space would prevent the entire ecosystem from moving forward. Eppur si muove.
Thanks to these wonderful people for discussions that directly inspired this blog post: my co-authors of What’s in a pod? , Tim Berners-Lee, John Bruce, and Emmet Townsend from Inrupt, and Tom Haegemans and Wouter Termont from Digita.